Proxy Bid Instructions

If you are unable to attend the auction and would still like to bid on one or more items, you may place your bid in advance of the auction evening and a "proxy" bidder will bid for you.

Please be aware that just because you enter a proxy bid, that does NOT mean that you will win the item. It simply means that your bid will be entered for the specified item. Anyone attending the auction has the chance to bid over your proxy bid. You will only be charged for the item if you are the winning bidder.

To place a proxy bid:
1. Review the items on the Gatewood Auction website to find item(s) of interest to you.
2. Determine the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each item.
3. Send a signed, written request to Anita Schumacher at or put the request in the PTA mailbox in the school office by Monday March 8th.
4. The written request must contain the following information or your proxy bid will be invalid:

Phone number or email address
Credit card information - card number, name on card, expiration date, and whether card is Visa or MasterCard
The catalog item title, description and item number if available
The maximum amount you are willing to pay for that item (your bid)

5. Refer to the auction rules and regulations on the auction website. By submitting a proxy bid, you are agreeing to all of the auction rule and regulations.

Your credit card will only be charged if you are the winner of the proxy bid. If you are the winner, you will be notified by the auction committee the following week and arrangements will be made for you to pick up your item(s.) Thank you.

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